On January 21st 2019, I did research on Gameplay Programming, specifically the specifics of the role and the types of job opportunities available at this current point. This was done to give myself an idea of the role’s importance in the workplace in addition to the skills and assets that are generally expected for the role.
In a sample of ten job offerings, all wanted an understanding of how to make player characters ‘feel’ right. Every genre of game and every tweak made to gameplay will require adjustments to the player character. The avatar needs to syngerise with the game mechanics and level design and a good understanding of how this can be approached is a necessity.
Alongisde this, most wanted vast knowledge in a programming language, usually C++, which is understandable as having great knowledge of a programming language will contribute to understanding how to make a character feel right. Even if one has an idea in their mind of how the player avatar will control, they need to know how to make them feel that way from a programming standpoint.
Additionally, many companies requested experience in the industry as an understanding of the workings of the video game industry will aid in overall knowledge of what things to do and what not to do while working.